07 Aug Episode 75 | Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Since 1954 Fellowship of Christian Athletes have focused on assisting athletes and coaches grow in their faith. Today, Jeffrey Hunt, area director for Montgomery County Maryland – FCA, shared a little about the work happening through this organization.
Podcast Guest

Jeff Hunt is the Area Director, Montgomery County Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Jeff has been married to a wonderful woman named Sandy for 22 years, they have two adult sons, a dog and two cats. They have lived in the agricultural reserve of Montgomery County and enjoy the Maryland countryside and beauty.
Throughout his work life, he has worn many different vocational hats and has been part of a number of businesses. While developing a business coaching and consulting business, Jeff volunteered for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes as a “Character Coach” and spent 5 years on the Leadership Board. It was there where he fell in love with this vital ministry and where God called him to serve.
He closed his business a little over a year ago and has not looked back.