18 Jul Episode 71 | Men’s Huddle
There are many great churches in the greater Washington DC area where you can find great teaching, deep worship experiences and fellowship. However, not everyone is comfortable inside the church building, yet they still have a need for great teaching, prayer, worship and fellowship. On this episode of Good News for the City, we highlight “Men’s Huddle, an organization dedicated serving the unique and specific needs of men, outside the church.
Podcast Guests

Larry Hales is the CEO and President of Hales Global Network, a firm working with businesses and governments to anticipate, understand and meet unique challenges. They assist clients worldwide to find answers to the questions that are shaping their future.
Larry is also the founder and CEO of Men’s Huddle International, a unique platform outside of the church, where men find teaching, fellowship and spiritual nourishment to assist men grow in their faith.

Pastor Art is an ordained minister and has been involved in ministry for over 50 years.
Art was raised by loving Christian parents in Nebraska. He began his ministry training by attending Northwestern Bible College in Minneapolis, Minnesota and while in school worked for the Billy Graham Association. Art also served in the US Army during the Vietnam War from 1966-69 and attained the rank of Staff Sargent E-6.
Pastor Art has served in various ministry roles as Youth Pastor, college/single adult Pastor and Associate Pastor while living in the Southern California area for 27 years. After the passing of his late wife, Charleen to cancer in 1995, he was led by the Holy Spirit to go serve God with Promise Keepers.
Pastor Art has had the opportunity to interact with Pastors and Men’s Leaders all across our Nation and the world to “end Spiritual Fatherlessness” by awakening every Christian man in every church to the high calling to “make disciples of all nations” and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Pastor Art and his wife, Miriam, live in Willow Street, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. They have been married 19 years and have a modern day “Ruth and Boaz” story. They have a ministry called “United As One International”.