01 Dec Episode 224 | Thanksgiving Message
Pastor Jim Supp joined the show for a special Thanksgiving message.
Podcast Guests
Jim Supp
Jim Supp has been in a pastor in the Northern Virginia area for nearly 25 years. Having been at Reston Bible Church for 4 years, Jim has recently accepted the position of Senior Teaching pastor at RBC.
He has been married to his amazing wife Sharon for 22 years. Their oldest child Natalie, is in college and their youngest Adam, is in high school. Together, Jim and Sharon share a passion for bringing the truths of Scripture to bear in the lives of followers of Jesus and culture in which we live.
Aside from a passion to preach the Word of God, he enjoys staying shape and heads to the gym 4 or 5 times per week. Jim finds the environment to be conducive to engaging others in spiritual conversations.