21 Aug Episode 36 | Washington Prayer Gathering Pt. 1
Unity, Prayer and Hope are three pillars that are the foundation of the work being done at OneHeartDC. Coming up on Saturday, September 22 is an event where all three come together; the Washington Prayer Gathering. On this episode of Good News For The City, Jason Hershey and Lily Cook stopped by to talk about the power of prayer and to talk about the Washington Prayer Gathering.
Podcast Guests

Jason Hershey with his wife Kimberlee were called by God to DC in 2005 as full-time missionaries. They have since pioneered Youth With A Mission (YWAM) DC, a missions training base, and David’s Tent DC, a 24/7 tent of worship and prayer on the National Mall of DC. They have six children and currently live in Fort Washington MD.

Lilly Cook
Lilly was born in Syracuse, NY but grew up in the DC metro area in Rockville, MD. She started out her career in fashion buying but felt called to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). After YWAM, Lilly has been working as a model and as an Organization Development and Change Consultant. Most recently, she has been working as a Protege in Prayer at National Community Church (NCC). After encountering God in powerful and life transforming ways, Lilly’s passion is to make God known and help others encounter God and become all they were created to be as God has created them. Having experienced healing in profound ways, she is passionate about prayer and seeing others receive healing and freedom in their lives. Lilly has an undergrad degree in Finance and Marketing and a master’s degree in Organization Development. She is married and has two boys, ages 8 and 3.