12 Sep Episode 39 | Washington Prayer Gathering Pt. 2
Howard Levin (OneHeartDC) and Jason Hershey (David’s Tent) stop by to talk about the Washington Prayer Gathering on Saturday, September 22nd. To learn more, click here.
In this place, so all would seek and find God (Acts 17:26-27)
Washington Prayer Gathering 2018 :: Saturday, September 22, 2018, 10:30am – 12:30pm
Experience a heightened sense of God’s presence & connectedness
in unity with Christ followers from across the region.
David’s Tent on the National Mall, Washington DC and hundreds of locations around the Metro Washington region through interactive live streaming and WPG18 App.
Gather – In This Place, In His Name, For This Place – so the world will know
Pray – For all to know Jesus, for believers to be Revived, for Laborers in the Harvest, For Justice and Mercy – for shalom and salvation
Magnify –for Jesus to be Displayed in Us and Through Us into our Communities, for Saturation of the Gospel in the DMV – so that all would seek and find Him
Podcast Guests
Howard has served as Pastor of Outreach, Church & Community Partnerships at McLean Bible Church and as Director of the Washington Prayer Gathering. Before being called to full-time ministry, Howie spent 35 years in the commercial nuclear power industry. He was a founder or principal in several businesses focused on leadership, organization development and technical consulting. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has completed a seminary degree from Capital Bible Seminary. In addition to being the Executive Director of OneHeartDC, Howard serves on several boards focused on helping people in crises including the NoVA Human Trafficking Initiative.
Jason Hershey with his wife Kimberlee were called by God to DC in 2005 as full-time missionaries. They have since pioneered Youth With A Mission (YWAM) DC, a missions training base, and David’s Tent DC, a 24/7 tent of worship and prayer on the National Mall of DC. They have six children and currently live in Fort Washington MD.