22 Feb Episode 137 | Responding with Unlikely Compassion
Pastor Robbie Pruitt shared how many have been blessed by his ministry repairing and providing bicycles. It’s a passion the Lord gave him from when he received his first bike as a boy.
Podcast Guest
Pastor Robbie Pruitt is from Columbia, SC and moved to Northern Virginia with his wife, Irene, in 2004, to continue his calling to youth ministry. He and his family most recently lived in Alexandria, Virginia, where Robbie was the Director of Youth Ministry and Pastoral Associate for four years. He and his family also lived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti for five years, where Robbie was the High School Bible Teacher at a Christian school. Robbie has his Master of Arts in Theology from Columbia International University, a Diploma in Christian Ministry from Trinity School for Ministry, and a B.S. in Bible, with an emphasis on youth ministry, also from CIU. Robbie and Irene have three children, Grace, Hannah, and Simeon. Robbie enjoys spending time with his family, mountain biking, hiking, concert going, studying the Bible and Biblical context, writing poetry and writing about theology, leadership, and discipleship.