Episode 107 | Apartment Life

Episode 107 | Apartment Life

On this episode of Good News for the City we spoke with Steve and Diane Anderson. Two individuals who are providing love and care for their community through a ministry called Apartment Life.

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Steve and Diane have lived in the Northern Virginia area for close to 35 years. This is where they met, married and raised their 5 children in Great Falls. Diane currently works for United Airlines, but prior to that she was on the ministry staff team at McLean Bible Church for over 10 years as the founder and director of Access Ministry which is an outreach to hundreds of children and adults with disabilities and their families.

Steve is retired from a 35+ year career with the Department of Defense and is currently a government contractor for Syncadd. A few years ago as their kids began their own lives going to college, moving out, starting families and careers of their own. Steve and Diane began looking for ways they could intentionally love their neighbors. Through friends of their kids, they heard about Apartment Life. They decided to sell their big family home in Great Falls and applied to be an Apartment Life team!

Steve and Diane have served as an Apartment Life team for over 3 years and are currently serving the residents and staff at Falls Green in the City of Falls Church. As an Apartment Life team, they build community through acts of care and fun, high impact events. They connect residents with each other and the greater community around them, offering love and compassion, and meeting practical needs is transformative to individuals and the community as a whole.