17 May Episode 201 | Community Bible Study
Diane Eland and Sally Grizzard joined the show to discuss Community Bible Study, it’s nearly 650 classes in the US and how the ministry has expanded across the globe.
Podcast Guests

Diane Eland
Diane Eland currently serves as Associate North American Director for Community Bible Study, shepherding classes in the northeast subregion of the United States. She has served in leadership within Community Bible Study for the past 19 years. She obtained a Mechanical Engineering Degree from University of Delaware and worked in the corporate world for The Boeing Company and DuPont before becoming a full-time domestic engineer.
Diane and her husband Ken live in Chadds Ford, PA and also enjoy time in Ocean City, NJ. They have three adult children and two Pomskies. Diane’s life verse is Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

Sally Grizzard
Sally Grizzard currently serves as the Zone Director of the Baltimore/DC Metro Zone, shepherding Area Directors as they shepherd the classes in Northern VA, MD and the DC Metro Area. She has been a part of Community Bible Study for the past 14 years and has spent the past 11 years in different areas of leadership. She has a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Special Education from George Mason University. She worked as a speech therapist and early childhood special education classroom teacher in the public school system for 10 years before having children and making the decision to stay home with her boys.
Sally and her husband John live in Chantilly, VA and also enjoy time in Canaan Valley, WV skiing and hiking. They have three adult children and two Labrador Retriever puppies.