02 Nov Episode 172 | Denver Seminary
Rev. Debora Barr, Pamela Creekmur and Rev. Iantha Brown shared how Denver Seminar is providing theological education to a broad spectrum of God’s people.
Podcast Guests
Reverend Debora Barr
Reverend Debora Barr serves as an Associate Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden (FBCG) in Maryland, the host site for the Denver Seminary Washington DC Extension campus. She holds a Master of Divinity from Denver Seminary and her prior education background includes a Bachelor of Science in Geology (Missouri State), a Masters of Aeronautical Science (Embry-Riddle), and a Juris Doctor Law (University of the District of Columbia).
Debora served her country for over 28 years in the uniformed services of the United States where she entered the US Army in 1988 and served as a helicopter pilot; followed by more than 22 years as a commissioned officer in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration where she flew scientific missions and served in various leadership roles.
Reverend Barr’s passion is teaching, speaking, preaching and writing about personal intimacy with Jesus, and helping to direct people to the unconditional love and healing power of Christ, which truly transforms lives.
Rev. Iantha Brown serves as co-pastor at Refuge Church Ministries II in Glen Burnie, Maryland along with her husband, Rev. Dr. V. “Keith” Brown, Sr. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Denver Seminary and is currently a student in the Doctor of Ministry Program at Denver. Prior to taking on ministry full time, she was a Registered Nurse in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area. Rev. Brown holds a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Maryland School of Nursing as well as a Master of General Administration from University of Maryland University College with a concentration in healthcare. She enjoyed a distinguished career in the nursing profession for three decades. Along with being a wife, mother, student, and pastor she recently became the recruiter/community liaison for the Urban Initiative and Lay Ministry Program for Denver Seminary, Washington, DC Extension campus. Rev. Brown loves to preach the Word of God to anyone who has an ear to hear.
Pamela Creekmur
Pamela Creekmur serves as an instructor and Director of the Health and Wellness Group within the Education and Training Department at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden (FBCG) in Maryland. She is currently work as the Research Lead for the Denver Seminary Washington DC. Extension campus. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership from Denver Seminary and Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the Howard University, Washington DC. Pamela has worked in the Health and Human Services arena for more than 30 years and is the former Public Health Officer for Prince George’s County, Maryland. She has also served as a lay biblical counselor since 2003 and is now a certified biblical Life Coach. Pamela is married to her husband of 38 years and together they have a grown daughter and son-in-love.