03 Aug Episode 160 | Regeneration Ministries
Kyle Bowman joined the show to discuss how Regeneration Ministries work alongside the local church to equip men, women, and families to learn and live God’s good, holy, and beautiful design for sexuality.
Podcast Guest
Kyle Bowman
Kyle Bowman is a native Washingtonian. She was raised in a Christian home but did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. She spent 11 years trying to find life in same-sex relationships. Through the love, care, and prayers of family and friends, she sensed the Lord calling her into a personal relationship with Him. Part of her journey to wholeness was finding Regeneration Ministries. After attending one of their programs, Kyle became active as a small group leader and in 2014 was asked to join the staff. Today she serves as the DC Metro Director for Regeneration in their northern Virginia office. Her duties include spiritual coaching, teaching for ministry programs, and helping to develop ministry resources. Kyle has a Bachelor’s in Communication from Bowie State University, a Certificate in Biblical Studies and a Master’s in Christian Counseling & Discipleship from Capital Seminary & Graduate School. In her spare time she pursues her passion for genealogy and spending time with her four-legged friend Niko.