Episode 56 | BOD 4 GOD

Episode 56 | BOD 4 GOD

When we speak of honoring God, there are plenty of things that may come to mind. We thing finances, our relationships, in the workplace and the list goes one. However on this episode of Good News For The City, Pastor Steve Reynolds talks about honoring God by taking care of our physical health?


Podcast Guest
pastor steve reynolds2

Pastor Steve Reynolds

In 1982, Steve Reynolds was called to the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area to plant a church. For over 35 years, He has been committed to the Great Commission and fulfilling that dream in the NOVA area. Pastor Reynolds is also the author of “Bod4God” on Baker publishers and the creator of the Losing to Live weight loss program that has been featured in local, national and international media, including FOX News, CNN, the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune.