23 Aug Episode 212 | Expo DC – Empowered
Brett Andrews joined the show to share about Exponential, an international ministry that provides resources on church planting, including conferences, leadership communities, articles, books, and highlighted the upcoming Expo DC conference in Chantilly, VA.
Empowered: Moving with The Spirit! We invite you to join us at EXPO DC, September 12-13 at New Life Christian Church, Chantilly, VA.
Register here: https://exponential.org/washington-dc-2022/
Use discount code DC2022 to save $29 per person.
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Brett Andrews
Brett Andrews has been married to Laura for 33 years and has four children. He started New Life Christian Church in 1993 with a sense of calling to be a church that obeys the Great Commission by starting new churches. New Life has been instrumental in the launch and leadership of Exponential, an international church-planting resource ministry. In an effort to focus their ministries on evangelism, New Life’s building, the nZone, is used as a 7-day-a-week exercise and health facility. The goal of the nZone is pre-evangelism — to help people experience God before they know they are experiencing God.