14 Mar Episode 192 | Passing the Leadership Mantle
What does it look like to walk away from something precious that you have labored and sacrificed for, that you love? Steve King, Senior Pastor Emeritus at Cherrydale Baptist Church and Tom Oostdyk, Senior Pastor discussed a transition or succession in local church leadership.
Podcast Guests
Pastor Steve King
Pastor Steve King has served as the Senior Pastor at Cherrydale Baptist Church from 1983 to 2019. Steve has a passion to make disciples who love God and people above all else. He leads the Band of Shepherds pastors’ fellowship in Arlington, has served on the board of Pioneers International for 26 years, and is a founding member of the Board of OneHeartDC a sponsor of this show with WAVA and part of the OneHeartDC leadership team.
Steve holds degrees from the University of Georgia (BBA) and Western Seminary (MDiv). He has been married to his sweetheart Mae Belle for 44 years and they have two sons, Caleb and Joshua (married to Naomi), and their granddaughter Elise.
Pastor Tom Oostdyk
Pastor Tom Oostdyk serves as Senior Pastor of Cherrydale Baptist Church in Arlington VA. Cherrydale is 108 years old, an Evangelical church in the Baptist tradition, core convictions are Biblical authority, gospel-centrality, and global missions (25 % of the budget). Our mission is to make disciples who love God and people above all else.
Tom assumed this position as Senoir Pastor in September 2019 after serving as Associate Pastor for 7 years. Tom is a graduate of Messiah College and Capitol Bible Seminary. He is married to Nicole and has 4 children.