27 May Episode 102 | Maskmaker, Maskmaker
Pastor Clancy Nixon and Patricia Phillips joined the show to discuss one aspect of Church of the Holy Spirit’s response to covid-19, the Mask Maker Ministry.
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Pastor Clancy grew up in a secular home and came to Christ as a teenager at Calvary Camp in Conneaut, Ohio. However, he was not discipled at that time, and he walked away from Christ when he went to college. He spent nine years living a secular life until he came back to Christ at age 26. In 1992, while a layman and volunteer youth leader at Church of the Apostles in Fairfax, Clancy sensed that God was calling him to be a church planter.
In 1998, he was ordained, and began to serve at Truro Church in Fairfax. He and his wife Ginger began in their living room with ten people in 2000 to plant Church of the Holy Spirit. He has stayed at CHS for 20 years, and the church has grown to include many ministries here and abroad. Clancy is a healing ministry trainer, church planting coach, and mentor of leaders.

Patrica Phillips is the coordinator of the Maskmaker, Maskmaker MInistry at Church of the Holy Spirit.