27 Mar Episode 239 | Questioning God
Randy Newman talked about the 3rd edition of “Questioning Evangelism” and introduced the way of engaging non-believers in spiritual conversations by asking questions, much as Jesus did.
Podcast Guests

Randy Newman is the Senior Fellow for Apologetics and Evangelism at The C. S. Lewis Institute in the Washington, DC area. He has taught at several evangelical seminaries, Patrick Henry College in Loudoun County, VA, and is currently an adjunct professor at Reformed Theological Seminary. His background as a Jewish believer uniquely informs his perspectives and teaching.
After serving for over 30 years with Campus Crusade for Christ, he established Connection Points, a ministry to help Christians engage people’s hearts the way Jesus did. He has written several books, including the award winning Questioning Evangelism (that we are discussing today) as well as numerous articles about evangelism and other ways our lives intertwine with God’s creation. Randy has been our guest on this show discussing his books Mere Evangelism and Bringing the Gospel Home, witnessing to family members and close friends. If you missed these shows, please check out www.goodnewsforthecity.com or your favorite podcast platforms to listen.